“That which you are seeking is seeking you too” – Rumi
Picture the scene: strapped for groceries, I discover a forgotten jar of dried za’atar in the kitchen of my Montreal studio. A drizzle of olive oil and a hunk of pita bread later, not only was my hunger satisfied, but a lightbulb had gone off bright and loud in my head.
The idea for Goûte-Moi Ça! was born in 2018 out of this moment: a sudden drive to share the beauty and simplicity of these Middle Eastern pantry staples with Montreal.
Through famer’s markets, friends gatherings that doubled as market research, as well as sampling extensively with the help of my mother and mother-figures, our line of products emerged. In 2019, I took the decision to follow my dream and commercialise my childhood flavours.
Elegant and oh-so-flavourful, these mixes that I grew up with in Syria and the UAE are now yours for the keeping, designed and perfected with your pantry in mind.
Today, our mission is to bring a flavour bomb in a bottle to parties and family gatherings across Quebec, while upholding our core values of authenticity, fun and connectedness.
Thanks for being part of our journey.
See you soon,
Mays, founder and Montreal implant since 2005